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Data sharing with external login providers

Does Facebook see my Encyro data when I login with Facebook? Does Google see my Encyro data when I login with Google? 

Does Encyro see my Google data when I login with Google? Does Encyro see my Facebook data when I login with Facebook?

Access by Encyro

Encyro does not see your Google or Facebook data other than that shown in your public profile (email address and name). For example, Encyro does not see your email messages stored in Gmail or your Facebook posts.

Access by Facebook and Google

When you use Google to sign in, you are letting Google decide that it is you who is logging in to Encyro. This means that if Google wants, they can let anyone login to your Encyro account. In theory, this means that they could let a marketing algorithm or bot login to Encyro pretending to be you and read all your Encyro data. When you use Google to login to Encyro, you are trusting Google with the "keys" to your Encyro account.

Similarly when you use Facebook to login, you are letting Facebook decide that it is you who is logging in. This means that if Facebook is compromised, they could let someone else login to Encyro pretending to be you, and access your Encyro data. When you use Facebook to login, you are trusting Facebook to do the right thing.

In short, use the external providers (Facebook, Google) only if you trust them with your confidential data.

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