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How does Code-By-Text (SMS) 2FA work?

When you enable SMS based two-factor authentication (2FA) or 2-step verification, you will be sent a numeric code via a text message to your registered phone number whenever you login to Encyro using your password. This code will also have to be entered during the login process. The security benefit is that in addition to your password, your phone is also needed during login (i.e., 2 factors are needed during login).

Enable SMS Based 2FA

  1. Login to your Encyro account, and click Settings, and then Account Security. Look under Two Factor Authentication and find the item "Code by Text (SMS)." Click on "Turn on" to the right of that item.
  2. When you click Turn On, you will be asked for your mobile phone number. Provide your mobile phone number that can receive text messages. Your country should be automatically selected, but if not, select the correct country. (If your country is not on the list, Encyro is currently unable to send texts to cellular providers in that country. Use the Authenticator app based 2FA instead.) 
  3. Click Next.
  4. You will be receive a text message that reads like "Your Encyro verification code is ..." on your phone (at the number you entered above). Read that code from your phone and enter it where asked on the Encyro website. This helps us make sure we are able to send text messages to your phone. 
  5. Click "Enable 2FA Now."
  6. At this stage, if 2FA is successfully enabled, you will be logged out and asked to login again. When logging in, you will first be asked for your password. After entering your password, you will be required to use the SMS based 2FA (if you have enabled multiple types of 2FA, then you will be offered the option to use either one of them).

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