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Using a different from-address

I have multiple email accounts in Outlook. When I send secure messages with the Outlook plug in it automatically sends the message from an email that is different from what I wanted. How can I set it to use the other email as the default one?

Outlook (and not the Encyro addin) determines which email account is the default one. The Addin simply uses that. 

You have two options to address this:

Option 1: When sending the email, look at the "From" line (just above the "To" line) and ensure that the correct address is set there.

Option 2 (This usually works, but not always.): Outlook usually uses the first account added to Outlook as the default email account and that is what the addin ends up using. So you could remove all other accounts besides the one that you want to use for the addin. Then send an email - this will cause the only remaining account to become the default account in Outlook. Then re-add the other accounts that you removed. Now when you use the addin, it should use the correct address as the From address (the new default account in Outlook). 

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