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Showcase Your Brand

Quickly add your business logo, business name and see your brand highlighted on your upload page, on your folder in client accounts, in secure messages, and notification emails.

  • What custom branding can I add?

    (Encyro Pro membership is required to add custom branding. Encyro Essentials members can add their name and contact information but not other elements such as business logo, colors, and photo.) Your b...

  • Will emails to my contacts show my name or Encyro?

    Email notifications sent to your clients regarding your secure messages will show your name (and business name) in the From field. This is the name shown by most email applications on the desktop, mob...

  • Some folders show a photo: how can I show mine?

    If you are using the Encyro Pro membership (including trial membership), you may upload your photo. To upload your photo, login and select Settings from the top menu. Click on Brand, Upload Page in th...