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Uploading a file fails

Either nothing happens or you get an error message: 

 Upload failed. We could not connected to the Internet or an anti-virus/browser-extension is blocking file uploads. If this persists, please note what you were trying to do and contact us.

Reason: Likely an antivirus, such as BitDefender, is blocking uploads to 

(Another possibility is that the file is too large: see why attaching a file fails.)

How To Fix


BitDefender's "Online Threat Prevention" feature can at times incorrectly block uploads. To fix, add AND to BitDefender's allowed or safe list.

Instructions from BitDefender:

Older versions:

(Additional information for other versions:


For MalwareBytes, please add  AND to exclusions per instructions at

In short, when you get a warning the the one below, click "Manage Exclusions"

Then, click "Add Exclusion" on the MalwareBytes window that opens.

On the next screen select "Exclude a Website" and click "Next."

Under "Exclude a URL", enter

Prevent future false detections

Also, report the false positive (that is, an erroneous detection by MalwareBytes) at:


For AVG, please see these instructions to set exceptions for Web Shield or Website Shield.


For ESET, please see these instructions, and add * to the safe or allowed URLs. If the * is not allowed, please add AND  

ESET also has several other components such as HIPS that may block file transfers. If adding * to the list of allowed websites does not resolve the issue, you may have to look into the HIPS settings, firewall rules, or additional items.


For help finding the relevant instructions for other antivirus or browser extensions, please contact us.

Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Team Encyro

  2. Posted
  3. Updated