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How Do I Add Additional Users?

A Pro member can add additional users (employees, team-mates, practice partners, staff) after purchasing their own membership. Clients or contacts do not count as additional users for your account - you can have an unlimited number of clients.

All users in the organization benefit from common branding, uniform compliance settings, and unified billing. You can assign different permissions to each user to delegate responsibility. You may give up your administrator permissions after assigning at least one other user as an administrator.

Adding users involves the following steps: 

  1. Purchase your own membership: go to your Settings page, scroll down to Membership, and click "Purchase."
  2. Purchase the required number of user seats (user licenses), and 
  3. Invite those users by entering their email address and name. 

See detailed steps with screenshots.

For more details on adding users and organization setup, customizing branding or compliance, and user permissions, see: Team or Organizational Account Setup.

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