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What's new in the Latest Version

How to Update

  • If you installed directly from the download link provided on the addin website, you may again use the same link and it will install the latest version. Alternatively, see these steps.
  • If you installed from one of the troubleshooting articles, then you must first determine whether you have the 64 bit version or the 32 bit version of Microsoft Office, and then download the corresponding installer. See the steps with screenshots here
  • If you had used a scripted installation (typically only used by IT administrators), then you may use the same process again. Get the latest installer links and script commands here.

Unless you are switching from one type of installation to another there is no need to uninstall the previous version. If you are switching, say moving to the scripted install from the web based installation, then you should uninstall the previous version.


January 2022: The latest version (v1.33) now uses the latest backend (after the recent backend updates for the subfolder feature).

December 2021: The latest version (v1.32) fixes an issue in downloading all files (as a Zip file) from decrypted messages.

November 2021: The current version (v 1.31) adds minor bug fixes and internal backend related updates. You should experience no difference in functionality.

August 2021: The latest version (v 1.29) introduces the following changes:

  1. Adds the option to print an incoming or outgoing secure message by saving it to a PDF file (you may either save the PDF file for your records or print it using a printer). 
    1. How to: Simply decrypt the secure message and find the button to save the message as a PDF file in the same place where you would see the buttons to download any files attached to the message.)
    2. Note: The addin may not decrypt all incoming messages if you have the Encyro Essentials (free) membership plan. For such messages, use the link provided to access the message on the website and then use the Print option in the drop-down menu near the Reply and Forward buttons. Most browsers would offer a printer named 'Save as PDF' (or similar) to save the message as a PDF file besides sending to a printer. 
  2. Speeds up startup. Reduce the delay during Outlook startup to help prevent Outlook from hiding or disabling the addin.
    1. Removes the periodic check for updated versions at Outlook startup. Outlook's built in mechanism to check for updates for addins only performs the check during startup, and this can cause a delay. This delay in turn can cause Outlook to disable the Encyro addin. To overcome this limitation, the addin no longer uses Outlook's built-in mechanism to check for updates and implements its own custom mechanism for the same purpose.
    2. Minor other optimizations in loading the  addin to further minimize any startup delay.
  3. The version also includes infrastructural updates to prepare for some of the new changes coming in the subsequent versions.

History of changes from past versions

May 2021 (v 1.25):

Added support to auto-correct file names that contain characters not supported on different platforms. For instance, certain file name characters supported on MacOS, but not on Windows, are automatically removed from the file name. The contents of the file are NOT modified in any way. Similarly, certain characters in the file name that cause issues with Chrome and FireFox are automatically removed.

Changes from versions prior to v1.25 are not tracked on this webpage.

Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Team Encyro

  2. Posted
  3. Updated