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How to uninstall the Encyro Outlook Addin

  1. Open the Windows "Add or Remove Programs" settings: In the Windows desktop search box (typically, near the Start button, in the lower left of the screen), type "Add or remove" and click "Add or Remove Programs" from the search results. You may also manually browse tho this dialog from System Settings.
  2. Let the list of installed programs populate. 
  3. Scroll down in the alphabetically sorted list to "Encyro Secure Files and Messages" and click it.
  4. Click the Uninstall button that appears. Follow any Windows prompts to continue with the uninstall.
  5. (Re)start Outlook. The Encyro Outlook Addin should no longer be visible. To additionally verify that it is uninstalled: go to the Outlook File menu from the top bar,  click Options and then "Add-ins". The Encyro add-in should not be listed under Active, Inactive, or Disabled add-ins.

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  1. Team Encyro

  2. Posted