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Can I use Encyro in my country?

Yes, you can use Encyro in most countries. Our users live and use Encyro in many countries across North America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and South America.

If your country has specific data protection laws, such as the GDPR in Europe and the UK, that require you to sign a Data Processing Agreement (DPA), we are happy to do that. Simply contact us.

You will notice that in certain countries we ask for your VAT number in the purchase process. This is only for you to save on VAT related taxes on your Encyro purchases by following the reverse charge procedure.

You are responsible to comply with your local laws and international laws, especially if using Encyro for encrypted communication across international borders.

Use in any country that is subject to a U.S. government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. government as a "terrorist-supporting" country is not allowed. 

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